Thursday, October 23, 2008


This news is late because it all happened so fast. Yesterday (oct 22nd) TV COM called and asked me to be on their show today (Oct 23rd).

Of course I started preparing…stressing about what to wear and what to sing…and should I have my hair straight or curly! (very important decisions! Ha!)

The show aired today at 3:00…I was back home just in time to watch it! I sang two songs (one in Irish Gaelic and one in English) and did a 30 second bit of mouth music in Gaelic with the bodhran (Irish drum). Everybody there was very nice and it was a really fun and positive experience. They advertised my show for tomorrow night at casa de cultura and they announced my website. So HOPEFULLY some people in Porto Alegre saw it!

I wanted to share the good news with you all!
Jennifer Shelton Licko

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Sacramento, California, United States