Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Celtic Christmas Concert Review

Thanks to Brad Rich at the Tideland News in Swansboro for attending my Celtic Christmas Concert in Eastern North Carolina and for the review!
Here are some quotes from Brad's awesome review!

Jennifer Licko ushers in Christmas, Celtic Style. 

"Licko, who when not playing acoustic guitar or simply singing played the bodhran (irish drum), was equally at home with the Irish and Scottish compositions and the more standard American fare; it was obvious that if she chose to stick to country or folk music, she could easily be a household name in pop music."

"Noble, who lives in South Florida, shone with several excellent solos, clearly at home in any style, and Foley displayed his formidable, award-widding fiddle chops on a number or Irish reels, which might not have been holiday tunes, but fit perfectly into the good-time feel of the two-hour show."

"Licko was clearly grateful to the hometown crowd and to the sponsors and others who made the show possible.  She particularly thanked Julia Wax and Emerald Isle Realty - the main sponsor - for providing the house where Foley and Noble stayed and where they hastily rehearsed for a show that turned out to be simultaneously polished and personal."


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